My goal with Tutas Towne Realty, Inc is to make everything as automated as possible. We are a virtual real estate compnay. The days of driving around showing properties for days on end are over. Now don't get me wrong, you may have to show some, but my goal is to limit your time doing so. Wouldn't you rather work in your jammies?
Foreign Investors will buy sight unseen. I know because these are the only buyers I ever work with. I don't have time to spend looking at homes.
Our job is to find buyers and sellers and help them to buy and/or sell real estate. The best thing is that we already have buyers. In fact we have 100s of them just waiting to be contacted and sold. Starting next week we should be getting 10-20 buyer leads a day. I am working on a system to help us handle these. Not all will buy but I bet we can find one a day. If you can do 5-6 a month that's $60,000 to $80,000 a year.
The key of course is to work hard and most importantly to work smart. Don't spend too much time on things that won't generate a paycheck. Previewing properties is a good thing but only after you have sat down and contacted buyers ad sellers for a couple of hours. Personally I would spend the first 2-3 hours of everyday contacting these buyer leads that we are getting. Start by answering their question via email. My job is to make sure you have the info you need to be able to respond to these people.
Don't forget we have a site set up for the Investors we get from Herbert at Please take some time to get familiar with the information that is on it as it will answer a lot of the questions people may ask you. Get in the habit of linking to my articles to answer questions. That way it takes the burden of being right or wrong off of you. Also, a 3rd party (me) response adds credibility. That's why I'm such a fan of Google searches. If someone ask me something I don't know I will research it on Google and then simply link them to the information make sense?
EXAMPLE: What rate of return can I expect if I purchase a long term rental home in Poinciana?
Hi Enquiring Mind,
Thank you for your email and interest in purchasing a property in Poinciana. Here is a link to an article that will help to answer your question. Also, while on our site you can search for properties by going back to the main page. You'll see the property searches on the left hand side of the site. Let me know if you see a property you want to buy and I'll send an offer over to you. Don't forget you'll need to be able to provide "proof of funds" . Please don't hesitate to contact me with any other questions.
See how easy that is? Not only did I answer his question but I also sent him back to our website 4 times!!!! (THIS SITE IS ONLY FOR HERBERT LEADS) For leads that come directly from me you want to send them to our main blog site just click on the seller or buyer tab and look for the articles that answer the question then link to them
HELPFUL HINT: Save your emails in a folder/label or template so you will eventually have a library of responses. Then you just have to copy/paste/send.
I'm here to help. If you want to copy all of your customer emails to me for a while I will tweak them for you. OK?
That's enough for today. Now go help a lot of people and get paid for doing so!!!
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