With the rapid growth of transparency on Face-Book, as well as the privacy issues, we must deal with what to do about those photos we've been tagged in. You know the kind. Aunt Bertha puts up a batch of photos, in the middle of the night, and tags you. They get posted to your wall and you think you're going to die from embarrassment. In some of the photos you're chewing, have a dumb look on your face, there's lipstick on your teeth, or worse, food stuck to them. As you look at these photos, you find yourself between a rock and a hard place. You don't want hurt Aunt Bertha's feelings by deleting the photos. Not only is she family, she has the power to make your life miserable. Although, un-tagging photos is the norm, it's not the best way to keep other people from seeing those horrible photos.

Photos on F-B are subject to security settings. Aunt Bertha knows nothing about these settings. Her page is a disaster waiting to happen. Those horrible photos can be seen in public by anyone who has a F-B account. No matter what you've said, Aunt Bertha refuses to listen to you about the privacy concerns of a site like F-B. So what do you about people like Aunt Bertha, and others who tag you in unbecoming photos? Well, I'm going to show you:

Log into your FB account:

Click on --> Privacy. Scroll down to --> Customize Settings.
The page will look like this:

Property of TLW and Roar Productions.

Now scroll down to --> Photos and Videos I'm tagged in. Look to the right:

Property of TLW and Roar Productions.

The drop down menu gives you the options you have. Click on --> Custom.

This allows you to control the photo/video tags. I set mine to "Only Me". What this does is actually very cool,
and a bit sneaky, which I love in light of F-B making it so hard to monitor security settings. When Aunt Bertha tags you, the photos do post to your Wall. However, the only one that can see them is you, and of course Aunt Bertha.

If you're anything like me, privacy still has value in your world. I suggest un-tagging the photos as well as tweaking your privacy settings. We can't control what others choose to do on F-B. Nor can we expect others to respect our wishes. But, we can ensure that our Peers, Co-Workers and Customers do not see icky, un-becoming or comprising photos of us. I mean really, unless they friend Aunt Bertha, you're pretty safe. No one wants to friend your elderly Aunt.

All content, images and video are the sole property of TLW and Roar Productions. All rights reserved.

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